Thursday, 4 July 2013

The Witch Coven of Garlghast 50 point army list

Due to my local games stores inability to deliver Gorshade the Cursed, I will turn to the witch coven as my second army list. I want to bring a fully painted army so a few of my latest purchases will have to wait for the next tournament (I am looking at you Darragh Wrathe). The list I will bring looks like this:

The Witch coven (+5)

Comes with ghost walk to give me pathfinder, 9 focus and a discount on a great spell list. If you have yet to take them for a spin you should do that. They are not the biggest fan of legion tho.

Kraken (19)

With Infernal Machine this model becomes all that I wanted it to be. Threat 14 MAT 8.

Death Ripper (4)


The coven has the potential to casterkill with range 28 by putting infernal machine on this model, running it 18 inch and using the archnode to cast stygian abyss 4 times or 2 times boosted hit and damage.

Death Ripper (4)

I also need archnodes to get curse of shadows on the right target.

Bane Lord Tarterus (4)

Goes great with banes.

Necrotech with Scrap Thrall (1)

This one can ensure that my Kraken is functional when it comes to melee.

Necrotech with Scrap Thrall (1)

I heard someone say if one is good 2 is better. Also I have had the worst luck with succeeding my repair skill check, so need two for the effect of one ;)

Min unit Bile Thralls (5)

These like the spell occultation. My local meta is still stuck on infantry machine so these are the best five point to deal with that.

Full unit Bane thralls with UA (11)

Takes care of high arm.

Min unit Satyxis Blood witches with UA (6)

Gives me dispel and removes tough. You have to love that UA.

The list has a load of stealth and brings something to deal with high arm, loads of infantry regardless of DEF and has a horrible dispel option. I have played the list with success with the exception of a fight against Aspyxious2 who I carelessly sacrificed my kraken to get an assassination attempt. It comes short against loads of gunmages and legion but other than that does great.

I think it will prove to be a solid list. It is not fancy in anyway but I only need to paint two models to have it done and that is a big selling point. I do not know what to expect of the tournament so I go with an open mind. I will take some pictures and report how I fared, who and what I played, and hopefully show some awesome pictures of beautiful armies.
I do not know what to expect of the tournament so I go with an open mind. I will take some pictures and report how I fared, who and what I played, and hopefully show some awesome pictures of beautiful armies.
I finally finished two hyperions for a friend who will bring them for the tournament and I must admit painting these have been no joy. Having just gotten some trolls and new cryx models my morale for painting these has been low, and taken some of the joy out of painting. Not doing additional colossal anytime soon. I hope he will enjoy them however.

Still needs some paint on the bases but then his Downlord Vyros Double Hyperion list will be finished.


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