1st Game
His list
was something like this.
Archnodes, Bane thralls with UA, Bane Knights, Min Bile thralls, Blood witches
with UA, Saxon Orric, 2 Pistol wraiths, Bane Lord.
I had only
played against this matchup once and knew that it had a huge advantage against
my lists. My choice went to the coven as needed bile thralls to clear up some
of that infantry to score some points or get a clear shot to the caster. I
aggressively ran my kraken its 14 inch in my first turn and tried to esablish
the line of skirmish far ahead, forcing my opponent to keep his caster way
back. In the grind I managed to get my blood witches to take out his biles, a
pistol wraith and some of his bane knights on one flank. On the other flank one
of my archnodes and a scrap thrall managed to deal with his blood witches and a
pistol wraith. This left his middle at a point disadvantage winning me the
grind and finishing the game 5-0.
List was
something like this.
2 angelius,
2 scythean, Aflector, 2 shredder, 2 death striders, 2 spell martyr, 2 forsaken
and swamp gobbers.
I picked my
skarre2 list in the hope that I could target his heavies with my feet. I
managed to get deathjack in melee with the warlock on turn 2, sadly I forgot
puppet master on him and rolled quite low so she managed to pull out with only
7 damage. I took out quite a lot, but I have never played against angelius so I
underestimated their ability to clear a zone and lost. (15 models and an
archnode is not enough, I know that now) Lost the game 5-3
3rd Game
His list
was something like this
troll, pyre troll, Impaler, Full kriel with cabers and UA, Min Krielstone, Full
Longriders, Fell caller, Horthol, Janissa, Runebearer, stone scriber
I played the
coven since I imagined him playing a brig so my feet would effect all his
models. Since one of the most common troll problems seems to be hitting minus 2
mat and rat should be great.
I was
extremely interested in how this list was playing seeing as I have just bought
some trolls. It started out well, but my opponent was new to his trolls as
well. He played a slow game, and made loads of errors. As I saw the time was
running out for him, I did not even bother to correct him in the spirit of fair
play, but this player was so stressed by the clock that he kept activating
stuff in the wrong order, targeted models with spell without having line of
sight, activated and finished one long rider and then the other. It was a mess
and I hope that if I were in his situation I would play more structured or just
give up. Nice person however and he went and did well in the tournament later.
Won the game by timeout.
His list
mercenary heavy and looked something like this.
Ol’ Rowdy, Boomhowlers,
Nyss hunters, forge guard, Alexia, lady and holt, Journeyman, Reinholt, mayhaps
I picked
Skarre since Cane can takeout the coven in a single round of shooting. The
table had too much terrain and that worked to my advantage. I was second player
and in turn two I was able to clear and scored at my opponents objective. Same
turn I ran a skarre feat stalker in melee with Cain. Next turn Cain had little
chance for a comeback, and due to difficult terrain, he was unable to put much
into his zone. I cleared it, ran a witch and won the game. Won 5-0
5th and final Game
Same list
as first game with the exception that he removed a pistol wraith and gained
Darrah Wrathe. Good trade.
Since the
coven did so well I tried to do the same thing. This player however knew how to
use his list, and knowing what I know now, I should never bring a colossal
against Aspyxious. His feet can almost always take it out, so the more
expensive model you bring the more point he gain. I actually had a chance to
make a shot on the caster with the kraken, but learned that kill shoot only
activates when you kill “a living model” good to know, cost me a boosted hit
and damage against a 15 – 16 caster. In the end I managed to get an achnode to
cast 2 boosted stygian abyss on him, dealing some 7-9 damage just before being
cleared off the table. Not having fired at him with the Kraken earlier when I
had the chance was my biggest regret in that game. Loss - removed from the
I ended up
5 place out of 20 since due to the tiebreaker strength of schedule. I forgot to
take some pictures but I did win best painted jack and best painted army. To be
fair I think that some armies where better painted, but those armies had a few
unpainted models and thus could not win the price. In jack I won over one of my
friends awesome Ol’ Rowdy. He was not the only participant, but without a doubt
the best. I wanted to put my deathjack, but one of my friends said, “NO biggest
model – Best model”. I won even though the skill put into Ol’ Rowdy was much
higher, so who said size did not matter? Fools with tiny models, that is who!
Won me these:
Other than
that we had a load of beer, barbeque, air hockey, and 2 horrible night of
sleep. What the hell is up with my fellow geeks snoring like shit. Nice people,
but damn I had to sleep with earphones playing music all night.
memorable in game moment Stalker hitting Cain with a free strike for 11 damage,
most memorable moment outside of the game is a tie between loosing in air
hockey 7 times in a row while drinking beer or some person sleeping, suddenly
wake, yell and sprint out of the room. Wait, no, that wins, damn that was
tournament yet, and it has inspired me do better at the Danish Masters in a few
months. 3 list format with character restrictions. Might even turn to the dark
side of cryx to improve my chances. Some would argue that cryx is the darkside
of warmachine, but I might turn to the blackest black that exist in this game,
Asphyxious2 the black hole from witch no light can escape. You can bring
revenant crew of atramentus the bastion of all that is fair in cryx, and people
will still call you beardy, even with his new errata. He is that black. Nuff
said rant over, painting trolls, new technique I am working on, show you later.
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