There is a bunch of new stuff available to those who pledge to the upcoming game Warmachine Tactics and 2 are gifts for Cryx.
We are
getting a character journeyman warcaster Aiakos and Sturgis2 an epic warcaster.
Aiakos comes
4 focus, Escort (2 focus) and death bringers (2 focus). I think he could be
great with a seether in this battle group. He can give it 2 focus, it generates
its own 3rd. With escort it treats a solid 11,5 inch. I am going to try this.
He is also
a solo with a high level of survivability, not only due to his 14 Def 14 Arm, 5
wounds, but also due to stealth. Sure legion laughs at him and kills him, and
gun mages will need 2 hits to take him out, but against those unable to ignore
stealth he will be a solid objective grabber.
I like that
he brings a harpoon but love that it is magical. He will be great at taking out
a solo when he keeps most of his focus for himself. Hitting will be his biggest
problem having only a rat of 5, but with a boost we can hit Def 14 most of the
time, and hitting Def 16 is 50/50. What is crazy about this is that he brings
jump so the threat is 17 inch. Against those damn stealth soloes, I can tell
you the treat is still 16. This is a big F to the U to Gorman and Eiryss. Damn
I just convinced myself to pledge to get him.
thing we are getting is Sturgis2 The Corrupted. Comes with 6 focus, and
bloodrain (3), convection (2), occultation (2), parasite (3) and teleport (2).
I imagine needing parasite trough an archnode once or twice per game.
Occultation is just plain great, and I will probably use it on something like
blood witches, bane knights or bile thralls. Teleport gives him an option to
bail when the going gets though, and makes using his feet safer. Convections
special ability is good enough that I would build lists around it, but as a
blast spell range 10 pow 12 is not bad for just 2 focus and could clean up some
charge lanes. Two well placed bloodrains can do wonders against single wound
shield walls/defensive lines. He might actually use the spell more than most
casters with bloodrain outside of having an arch node due to teleport.
To use his
feet to optimal potential he needs to be played offensively and most of his
abilities enforce this play style. He has relentless charge, so a failed charge
might be used often to get him into position. Snap strike, reach, two attacks,
one with death strike and one with soul eater makes him great at taking out
entire units of living models on his own. His feat is probably the most interesting
part of his playstyle as he clear objectives with his pushes, and pow 12 auto
hits. Even though his feat gives him some fuel for some jacks, I would be
surprised to see him with too many jacks. A deathjack or a seether as his heavy
and 2 archnodes would proberbly be his first battle group for me. I might even
try aiakos with a seether and then just give Sturgis 2 archnodes and 2
stalkers. That would leave me with 28 points for perhaps satyxis raiders with
UA and Solo, bane knights with tarterous and a war witch. Could be fun to try
out and on feat turn those stalkers could go to town. Needs more thinking…
Needs playtests…. Hate proxies…. Must pledge…. Guess I have my answer right
there. I will be pledging to warmachine tactics to what about you?