Thursday, 25 April 2013

I love this unit!

At first when I looked at this unit I thought to myself, I have no use for sprays that cannot hit. That was until I noticed the OMG that is disgusting purge. This is the unit I have been looking for because they can blow up and auto hit iron flesh assassins!

Purge is a special attack with automatically hits all models within 6 inch and in the front arch of a model-using purge. As it is part of your ranged weapon you cannot charge and purge. This is the bread and butter of the unit, and that is the best counter I have found in the Cryxian army to high defense without looking at casters.

After having bought and played with these models for a few weeks told my good friend about how awesome they are and what a counter they could be to one of his factions most commonly used combinations. He then replied, “do you know why I always bring widow-makers? Well now you do”.

I good friend and nemesis of mine gave me half of this unit so an “official” thank you needs to be in this post. Thank you Søren! I will use this unit often and with great success, such as when I beat your WTC list with Goreshade1 due to purgeing my way through your “tarpit” getting my Raiders the opportunity to tie up your gunmages, journeyman, stormsmith and caster attachment.  It gave you the kind of crappy turn needed to assassinate eStryker with pistol wraiths. So once again, thank you!

Here is a picture of the full unit.


As you can see, I gave them yellow rubber gloves. I love the contrast it provides to an otherwise dark and ominous looking model.

I enjoyed painting these models especially the leaks. The biggest downside was having to highlight this behind!

In all, a unit I can recommend for anyone if your army lacks ways to overcome high defense. It is not the only trick to deal with high defense, but it is a good, cheap one and it does not rely on having a specific caster.
It is also a unit, which can remove huge amounts of infantry. This is something that can often stand in the way of getting that objective, or assassination run, so recommend trying them out, even if you manage without, because it can open up for opportunities that did not exist without them.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Little side thing.

I am trying to win the award for most geeky guy with a nespresso machine so this Sunday me and some of the gents are meeting up for some manly stew and some pathfinder society roleplaying game. Now, you ask, why do you post it in a blog about warmachine when it has absolutely nothing to do with warmachine? Good question, the answer is that for this type of game we also use miniatures and I have been painting up the character I will be making as my society caracters as well as my friends dwarf. As a hobbyist I always enjoy watching painted models and so shall provide pictures of said painted models.

This is my guy, a guide ranger working as a secret agent man for the Andoran faction in the pathfinder society

This is a dwarf, as he is a dwarf I thought is was a great time to practice painting a drunk man’s nose.

Both models still need their shields, but as I do not have them yet, I cannot show them.

On the warmachine front, I have bought the Kraken and played a few games with it. 3 to be exact, and so far it has killed two Hyperions, Molik Karn and shot at some nosey casters. Played it with eSkarre with great success, played it with goreshade who does nothing for the kraken, but I want to learn how to use him due to my love of his fluff. So far, I can conclude that eSkarre makes it awesome, and goreshade applies banes as the only buff. Needs more field testing before I get to most form the Kraken, might try eGoreshade and mortenebra to get the most of the thing.